KAWA (v3) Token Relaunch Information

3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Yesterday we’ve posted an FAQ article covering most of your questions related to the KawaFarm contract exploit and what our recovery plans are. Today we’re announcing the KAWA (v3) token information that will be launching in the next few days. Please note that there may be slight changes to the numbers shown in this article — if that happens we will announce it.

Token & Contract Information

  • Contract/token name: Kawakami
  • Ticker: KAWA
  • Network: Ethereum
  • Contract address: Not available, to be announced after launch
  • Launch date: Exact date to be announced, the plan is to launch by Feb 20
  • Total supply: 999,999,999,999 KAWA
  • Liquidity lock: The liquidity will be locked for 30 days until the token contract audit is completed. Once it’s passed, it will be locked forever by sending the LP tokens to a dead address.
  • Pooled ETH: 25
  • Pooled KAWA: To be announced closer to the launch
  • Initial market cap: Expected to be around $500,000
  • Buy tax: 4% operations, 1% developer (5% total)
  • Sell tax: 8% operations, 1% developer (9% total)
  • Max amount per wallet: 2%
  • Max initial transaction: 0.1% of the supply for the first 10 minutes

Additional Information

  • There will be no transfer tax (no tax on transferring tokens to a different address).
  • The contract will accumulate taxed KAWA and swap to ETH once a certain threshold is reached, then distribute to operations and developer addresses.
  • There will be blacklist and pause functions in case of need.
  • The contract will not be renounced so that parameters can be changed if needed. This does not mean that we can add functions that can be abused but only change the values of existing functions, like lowering the buy tax when we want to incentivize buyers. We might decide to renounce at a later time when we’ve made sure everything works as intended.
  • Once the liquidity is added, it will be locked for 30 days. Once the token contract audit shows that there are no issues with the contract, we will send the tokens to the dead address, effectively locking the liquidity pool forever.
  • The v3 contract will be more optimized than the v2 one meaning it will be more gas-efficient when making transactions.

Updates on February 21, 2022

  • There will be 3 functions with a timelock which will be executable by the contract owner address: pause, change contract ownership, and change marketing wallet. A 48 hour timelock means that executing any of these critical functions will not happen instantly but will be delayed for 48 hours, allowing the team to act in case of a hack attempt.
  • The contract owner address itself is a multisignature wallet (Gnosis) which will be controlled by 4 doxxed team members: Fahad, Forest, KAWASNIPER, and Defi. Executing any contract changes after launch will require all 4 team members to approve those changes, which means that if one of the addresses get compromised, it will still require 3 more approvals to execute a transaction.
  • The sell tax will be hardcoded to 9%, meaning no decrease or increase will be possible.
  • The buy tax will be 5% and will be editable, but only to lower it, as there will be an upper limit of 5%, meaning we won’t be able to raise it above 5%.
  • The v3 KAWA to airdrop v2 KAWA holders will be held in the team address that has a public name tag on Etherscan, Kawakami Development Fund wallet (contract owner). If you see a large amount of v3 KAWA in this wallet know that it’s reserved for manually claiming KAWA as well as the airdrops that will follow.
  • If you’re trying to buy in early, remember that the maximum buy for the first 10 minutes of launch will be 0.1% of the total supply (1 billion KAWA). After 10 minutes this limit will be lifted.
  • The contract will undergo a thorough audit by a reputable auditing company and will take about 2 weeks to complete.

These will be the addresses utilized by the team for KAWA v3 launch:

Contract owner (deployer) multisig address:


Marketing multisig wallet:


Let us know what you think in the comments, Telegram and Discord, as well as our Twitter!




Written by Kawakami

The decentralized ecosystem for meme tokens fueled by the KAWA token on the Ethereum network. Join our community: https://discord.gg/kawakami

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